
Support Film Industry Network

We’d like to thank you for reading our news and sharing our stories with your friends and family. Film Industry Network is funded independently by filmmakers for filmmakers, and since launching in 2009, we’ve ensured our interviews, news articles and tutorials remain free to access for all.

With the many changes happening in the entertainment industry, we want to ensure our journalism and original content remains unfiltered, and without paywalls so that you can continue to have unlimited access to the content we publish. With your help, not only can you support our journalism today, but help us to cover the stories that matter tomorrow - and even decide what kind of news you want to read.

For as little as $4 a month, you can continue to support Film Industry Network, and all our community forums across the web where creative people can promote their latest work, connect with new likeminded people and get projects made. Thank you for reading.

Select from the options below











What will I be funding?

You will be funding our journalism, website costs, and forum maintenance, helping to improve moderation in our community groups - allowing anyone in the entertainment industry to connect and share their projects for free.

Can I get a refund?

Our support tiers are non-refundable. If you have any feedback about Film Industry Network or would like to suggest improvements you can contact [email protected]

How long is the monthly option for?

6 months. After 6 months, you can opt in to renew the monthly payment or cancel.

What payment options do you have?

You can contribute through Paypal with any major credit card securely once you click the support button on any of the options above.

What happens after payment?

You will be redirected to a confirmation page following the successful completion of your payment. If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours you can contact [email protected] for any technical issues experienced during your payment.

What currencies do you accept?

We accept all major currencies including dollars, euros and pound sterling. If you are choosing the 'custom' support option, you can easily switch the currency in the window. Our other payment options are listed in dollars however when you reach the checkout window your payment will automatically be converted into dollars even if you are paying from a non-US country in another currency. You will not incur any conversion costs or banking costs if paying from an international account outside of the United States.

How long is the yearly option for?

You will make a one-time payment for 12 months. This will not auto-renew and you can choose whether to support Film Industry Network for another year or make a custom contribution for any amount you choose.

How much can I pay in the custom option?

There is no minimum or maximum amount you can contribute in this option. You are free to choose what you can contribute. For contributions over $200, you will receive a personal thank you from one of our staff members.

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